Iron deficiency-related anemia remains a Public Health challenge in Burkina Faso with over 50% of women of reproductive age and pregnant women suffering from Anaemia. There is a persistent high burden of micronutrient deficiencies among women and girls due to general poor non-diverse and monotonous dietary practices coupled with other public health challenges.

Burkina Faso is among the 15 member countries of West Africa mandating fortification of key food vehicles to address micronutrient deficiencies. Despite ongoing efforts, the coverage of fortified food remains low, impeding progress in addressing the high burden of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. However, a recent training session conducted jointly by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and BioAnalyt has brought new hope to improve compliance with mandatory fortification standards in Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso is a priority country under the “Large-Scale Food Fortification in West Africa” project. The initial phase revealed a lack of technical capacity, skills, and equipment for monitoring and enforcing compliance with fortified food regulations.

In response, CRS invited BioAnalyt to conduct a comprehensive training session. Held in Bobo-Dioulasso, the training focused on enhancing the skills of regulatory actors in food fortification, with a specific emphasis on micronutrient deficiencies. Participants received hands-on training in using BioAnalyt’s innovative iCheck technology to analyze vitamin A, iodine, and iron rapidly and accurately in fortified products.

The training session employed a dynamic approach, promoting active participation and knowledge sharing. Participants valued the practicality and convenience of iCheck, recognizing its advantages over traditional laboratory testing methods.

“The BioAnalyt training was highly satisfactory, with excellent facilitation, learning tools, and methodology. Participants found it valuable for reinforcing the regulatory control and monitoring system in Burkina Faso.” (Béatrice Joëlle KABORE/ADJATTAN) See video here.

By incorporating iCheck technology, Burkina Faso aims to strengthen its fortification efforts and address micronutrient deficiencies more effectively. The collaboration between CRS and BioAnalyt showcases a collective commitment to combating malnutrition and improving public health.

Burkina Faso now stands poised to advance its fortification initiatives, paving the way for a healthier future. Through continued support and collaboration, significant strides can be made in fortification efforts, ensuring the population receives the vital nutrients needed for optimal well-being.

The training session conducted by BioAnalyt marks a significant milestone in bolstering the capacity of regulatory enforcement institutions and stakeholders in food fortification control and compliance. For comprehensive support and training in food fortification monitoring, BioAnalyt is ready to assist, enabling positive change and upholding the highest standards of nutrition and food safety.

To learn more about how our innovative devices can empower your data-driven decision-making and benefit local users, we invite you to cooperate with BioAnalyt. Together, let us drive positive change, unlock the full potential of fortification efforts, and ensure a healthier nutritional future. Contact us on WhatsApp at +49  to explore collaboration opportunities and harness the transformative power of our technologies.


1 “Burkina Faso Country Strategic Plan (2019 – 2023).” UN World Food Programme, Accessed 24 May 2023.

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