Anna loves to discover the beautiful nature this world has to offer! Here she meets a Dik-Dik friend in Mozambique!
Anna’s journey with BioAnalyt began when she joined the company in 2012 following her participation in the European Nutrition Leadership Platform (ENLP). Born in the cultural heart of Ukraine, L’viv, Anna trained in the fields of ecology, biotechnology, and business administration while living in Ukraine, USA, Norway, Belgium, and Sweden. She finally received her PhD in food bio-functionality from the Technical University in Munich, Germany. Anna’s passion has always been about understanding the interaction of food and health and using this to make a difference in the lives of those around her. It comes as no surprise then that she lives by this expression attributed to Hippocrates – “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”.
She learned at an early age that food is medicine, from her grandmother, who was a trained pharmacist in the days when pharmacist mixed the remedies themselves from plants and botanicals. Growing up, summers were spent at the Black Sea, working on her grandmother’s farm and learning some of the healing powers of different foods.

From product development, to technical support, to marketing, to now management, Anna embodies all that is BioAnalyt.
Later, during her PhD research she studies the science that underlines interactions between the food we eat, our gut bacteria ecosystem, and our health. It is through this work that she realized how incredibly complex nutrition can be and how far from reality her lab-controlled experiments were. She often questioned whether it was possible to generate data on food, health, and nutrition in a much simpler, cheaper, and publicly accessibly way. Joining BioAnalyt was the perfect bridge for Anna’s science and business interests and was the answer to her quest to empower everyone with measurement tools for better nutrition and health.

Anna conducting a hands-on training with iCheck for food fortification monitoring to officials in Lahore, Pakistan.
In her first five years at BioAnalyt, Anna really got to understand the situation of nutrition measurement on the ground. She traveled to over 30 countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, getting to know local professionals and laboratory processes while introducing and implementing BioAnalyt’s iCheck solutions. However, it is thanks to the committed and passionate team of 20 back at the BioAnalyt headquarters in Germany that keep Anna’s motivation and drive up. This team, according to Anna, that always have each other’s back in both professional and personal lives, “We tap our inspiration from Prof. Dr. F.J. Schweigert, the company’s founder,” Anna reflects, “he is both our coach and an inventor who makes you believe everything is possible in this world; and that we can indeed achieve our vision of transparency in food, nutrition, and health.”

Anna pictured here with her mom, sister, nieces, and nephews, who are always coming to visit and enjoy Berlin.
Outside of her work at BioAnalyt, Anna is always striving to discover the world around her, allowing her to connect better to BioAnalyt’s customers and users. Anna notes that, “Coming from Ukraine, also a developing country, helps me to intimately understand the challenges that other developing countries have, especially regarding corruption and dysfunctional governments.” Anna has also embraced her adventurous side, enjoying sports such as kite-surfing and snowboarding, as well as dance. She enjoys her vibrant lifestyle in Berlin, a great city full of music, art, technology innovation, and of course history, and loves the continuous string of friends and family who come to visit.