Which form of carotenoids can be measured?

iCheck Carotene works like a lab photometer and measures all carotenoids such as beta-carotene, asthaxanthin, lutein, canthaxanthin. The software quantifies the concentration based on beta-carotene calibration.

Can I use iCheck Aqua Equipment with the Test Kit Carotene?

For the analysis of total carotenoids (TC) in salmon flesh you can use your iCheck Aqua. New iCheck Carotene and Carotene reagent vials can also ne used for measurement of TC in salmon flesh. You need additionally iCheck Carotene Salmon Preparation Kit.

Can I use iCheck Egg Equipment with the Test Kit Carotene?

For the analysis of total carotenoids (TC) in egg you can use your iCheck Egg. New iCheck Carotene and Carotene reagent vials can also ne used for measurement of TC in egg. You need additionally iCheck Carotene Egg Preparation Kit. For the analysis of total...